CPOMP 2019 Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 11 – Saturday, April 13, 2019
Waldorf Astoria | Orlando, FL
CPOMP’s Second Annual Meeting took place at the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando, Florida on April 11-13, 2019. Over 75 medical groups attended from across the country, represented by physician owners and executives. Attendees spent two days discussing physician-owned real estate topics in peer-led sessions and industry expert presentations and networking with their peers and CPOMP Sponsors.
CPOMP 2019 Topics
Management of Medical Real Estate
- A panel of executives discusses what’s involved with managing real estate ownership and the best ways to make sure the real estate doesn’t interfere with practice management.
Financing 101
- A presentation by a professional finance team explaining salient loan terms, revealing a few banker tricks, and sharing some effective negotiating tips.
Libor Replacement 2021 – Real Estate Debt’s Global Warming
- Explanation on how to asses the risks of current and future loans in regard to Libor replacement in 2021 and what practices can do to improve their position.
Partner Integration – The Bane of Physician-Owned Real Estate
- How important is it to have all physicians on board? Should membership be mandatory?
- Using ownership as a recruiting tool
- Best (and worst) methods of buying in
- Best (and worst) methods of buying partners out
- Formulating a sustainable integration process
The Science of Site Selection – Removing the Guesswork
- Presentation of new analytic tools now available that provide a greater surety in determining the proper location for expansion or acquisition.
Planning a New Project – The Inception
- Creating a budget – making the right assumptions
- Does cost determine rent or rent determine cost? What’s the best approach?
- Financing – determining objectives. Should I go it alone?
- What should my project team look like?
- What is the difference between a developer and an owner’s rep? Do we need either?
Stark Provisions & Anti-Kickback Statutes
- A Partner from Foley & Lardner explains how Stark Provisions and Anti-Kickback Statutes does or does not impact the relationship between the practice and real estate entities.
The Economic Forecast
- JP Conklin of Pensford provides an update on his predictions from CPOMP 2018 and explains how he, as a former banker, managed to have borrowers embrace him even as he created unseen advantages for the bank at the borrower’s expense.
Operational Transitions – Don’t Forget the Real Estate
- Maintaining leverage by immediately incorporating the real estate into negotiations
- Rolling up separate properties in a merger – methods of equitably aligning interests between partners
- Who’s going to own the real estate in a hospital integration? How to optimize value in either case
- How your decisions may impact current and future financing – avoiding default & maintaining leverage
- Final considerations: is this the time to sell or to hold?
Creating Customized Financing Solutions – The Importance of “Having It Your Way”
- Unique financial solutions that can be crafted to resolve issues or improve economic outcomes to physician partners.
Your Real Estate Investment – Who’s In and Who’s Out
- The importance of CONTROL – maintaining the agenda of the practice
- Considerations in the inclusion of practice executives
- Reasons to include the developer – keeping development and investment distinct
- What to look for in an equity partner
Why a Carefully Crafted Operating Agreement Should be the Foundation of Every Entity
- A Partner at Foley & Lardner presents the importance of a carefully crafted operating agreement and demonstrates the potentially unfortunate outcomes when that doesn’t happen.
CPOMP 2019 Sponsors & Strategic Partners

Sponsors & Strategic Partners