CPOMP 2021 Annual Meeting
Thursday, July 29 – Saturday, 31, 2021
Stein Eriksen Lodge | Park City, UT
CPOMP’s 4th Annual Meeting took place Thursday, July 29 to Saturday, July 31, 2021 in Park City, UT. Physicians and executives of over 80 independent, physician-owned groups attended and spent two days collaborating in peer-led sessions and guest speaker presentations focused on their medical real estate.
CPOMP 2021 Topics
Alignment of Ownership Interest in the Practice and Property: Framing the Issues
A session that will promote a full understanding of the benefits and consequences of differing levels of partner participation and an exploration of methods used to manage buy-ins and buyouts. Member case studies will highlight outcomes – from exceptional to troublesome. Learn about the substantial advantages of consolidating properties where disparate ownership has evolved through organic growth or mergers and acquisitions.
Alignment of Ownership Interest in the Practice and Property: Solving the Issues
Now that you know the ideal outcome, how do you make that happen for your practice’s real estate? Panelists will share what has worked and what has failed in their efforts to reach desired ownership structure and partner participation. New methods of facilitating buy-ins and buyouts, with an eye toward long-term sustainability, will be presented along with proven methodologies of consolidation and resyndication.
Report on the Economy and the Meaning of Leaving LIBOR
CPOMP’s most popular speaker is back again! “Reformed” banker JP Conklin lays bare the methods that banks employ in creating profits when clients hedge and advises on how to keep more of that profit in borrowers’ pockets. JP’s weekly Pensford newsletter, one of the most widely read independent financial publications, comments on the economy and economic trends in the US. Most importantly, his genius is his ability to translate the complex to the understandable. In the end, JP helps borrowers make better-informed decisions.
Financing 101: Globalization & Competition
Delve into the recent changes in bank underwriting, the way loans are proposed, and the way credit is issued. Most importantly, how do these changes impact you as a borrower? Learn how to react and position yourself in order to secure the best financing for your practice’s objectives. Understand what makes you interesting to the bank, what makes them concerned about you, and the options now available to you within and beyond the restrictions of your local region.
Building an MOB or ASC: Planning & Execution
Consider the questions that should be asked and discussed when building an MOB or ASC. These questions include: Should my development be led in-house or by a third party? How do I start building my team? What is each part of the team’s function, and at what point should financing become a consideration?
Utilizing Outside Equity: Reasons, Ramifications, & Resolutions
Members that accepted outside investor participation discuss the factors that led to the decision. Explore why some of those members, as well as others, eventually looked to buy back their interest and the obstacles they encountered. Discuss the concept of seeking outside equity in a competitive manner and viewing the equity market similarly to the debt market.
Hold vs. Sell: Opportunities and Alternatives
Physician groups continue to see a high level of interest from buyers seeking to acquire properties at aggressive prices. Subsequently, the sale methods have become more sophisticated to appeal to a variety of seller preferences. In this session, both sides will speak as to why groups should elect to either hold or sell, along with the potential economic outcomes to the members selling and the members yet to join the practice.
Hold vs. Sell: Non-Sale/Leaseback Alternatives
If the seller could do it again, would they? How could the seller have been better prepared to make that determination, and what were the factors pushing the decision? Explore case studies of whether the sale was aligned with expectations, and what groups would have done differently.
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